Welcome to TurboLog 4  ...

Ham Radio Support at its best!



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Figure 1:   An active Overlay of Screens showing some of TurboLog 4's features 



TurboLog Communications proudly presents to you TurboLog 4. This station management system based on it's successful parent version TurboLog I, II and III now is the latest offspring of an unprecedented merger of advanced software technology and ham radio expertise. Thus, TurboLog 4 is from devoted Radio Amateurs for the discerning Radio Amateur community.


TurboLog 4 has been designed and produced in a close loop with the demands of several hundred customers and their enhancement requests for a WINDOWS version of the popular and successful DOS-parents. The completely new software has been extensively tested before release.


TurboLog 4 is not just another logbook program. It comprises such powerful features as a most flexible graphical user interface that can be customized to the user's demands, a sophisticated packet radio and internet cluster usage, computer aided transceiving ( CAT ) adaptable to all transceivers with communication ports, hear alerts ( voice, CW ), digital mode support, Morse interface, Multi User Network Access, ....just to mention a few.


All these features are options. You need not to use them, you can restrict yourself to the powerful logbook and database features.... but you should try them. We promise: You will like them, not wanting to miss them for the rest of your ham radio career!


Here is a summary of major features in TurboLog 4:


Fully compatible with WINDOWS operating systems  7, 8, 10, 11.

Future option for a LINUX version.

Modern client/server database system.

Comprehensive context sensitive Online HELP system and PDF Manual documentation

Single user, Multi user and Multi User Network Access Mode available.

Real time logging into ClubLog

LoTW fully supported

Web based database access on demand.

Most flexible ADIF Amateur Data Interchange Format export and Automated LoTW Support

Fully integrated access to QRZ.COM database

Most flexible database queries using SQL-like filter strings.

Meets or exceeds log-keeping requirements of European authorities, i.e. UK DTI.

Easy to use logbook - fill it in like a paper log, one QSO to a line.

Log input can be fully customized.

Most flexible maintenance of new bands and modes.

Powerful Packet Radio and Internet Cluster interface.

Versatile digital MultiMode facility for PSK-modes, RTTY, MMTTY, etc. .

Built in Morse keyer, including keyboard support and contest exchange messages.

Contest and DX-pedition mode support incl Dupe Check.

Remote alerting by voice, PTT, CW keying and Emailing.

Sophisticated Call Alarm facilities

Extensive DXCC tracking - band by band, mode by mode and year on year.

Excellent VHF support including IARU and QRA locator support.

Automatic bearing, distance, sunrise, sunset and local time calculation.

Grey line calculations for the discerning low-band DX-er.

User definable QSL labels (Single and Multi-QSO labels ).

Directly sent QSL administration database

Sophisticated listings and reporting system.

Powerful user defined listings with comma & tab separated variable options for export to other applications.

ADIF import and export, CSV, PDF, Excel; others on demand.

Databases like Flying Horse CD can be fully integrated.

QRZ.com online database access and information transfer into the log

Soundcard digital mode support.

Modern JT-Modes: WSJT-X and WSJT fully integrated incl. access to logbook`s DXCC standings and auto-logging..

Digital voice processing for contests, etc.

CAT:Full frequency logging, to 1Hz accuracy, user configurable transceiver interfaces for virtually any modern transceivers.

Transverter control via CAT emulation.

Excellent support for IOTA and other user defined awards.

Fully on line, menu driven configuration.

Up to date DXCC country database, easy to maintain with areas, zones display and full support for all deleted countries.

Extensive online help system and modern illustrated handbook support.

Notepad facility enables you to keep extensive notes about the stations you work.

DXpedition and Contest modes complete with rate meters and duplicate QSO checking.

Seamless update from TurboLog 2 and TurboLog 3 versions.

....etc., etc.

.....and last but not least: TurboLog Communications's excellent trouble shooting and update service.



Discover TurboLog 4 and enjoy its powerful features!   We wish you happy turbologging!



This topic was last edited on  Thursday, 12-Dec-2024,  at  13:30