New features:
Userkey facility largely extended for multiple keyword applications, e.g. RDA
Check keywords in your log for data validity, integrity and typos. Be prepared for a surprise...
CAT control via USB outlined in greater details in HELP
Elecraft's new transceiver K4 added to the List of CAT-files
APACHE Labs SDR transceiver ANAN 7000 DLE added to the list of CAT files
KENWOOD's transceiver TS890 added to the list of CAT files
Coordinate conversion utility added to Cross Bearing facility
JTDX/WSJTX: TL4's adjunct box now also displays DT-column (at rightmost position > shift right frame border if of interest)
CAT: New hotkey Ctrl+Shift+T toggles CAT to ON/OFF
German DOK userkey file updated, special DOKs included
Besides the new features all bugs which were brought to our attention were fixed and online HELP, PDF Reference Manual and German Quick Start Help were all updated.
In order to benefit from the goodies as described above you should read the appropriate HELP topics. A complete list of all amendments (new features and bug fixes) as implemented in this new release is available in the menu item on Version Information in TurboLog's main menu. Hyperlinks will easily lead you to the paragraphs which describe the new features.
There are links from our Download page and our list of Services and Prices to the PayPal website. This is where you enter your address and the necessary credit card information. Please do not forget to include your call in your address information. We need your call in order to produce the licence key.
After PayPal has checked your information and found everything being correct they send us an automatically generated e-mail with your data and ordering information. As soon as we receive this mail we will send out the license key to the e-mail address which you provided. This should not take longer than 24 hours ... typically... worldwide. In the meantime you can already download and install the program.
Of course you can still order via E-Mail to our address or transfer to our bank account ( inside Germany and most continental Europe, please see below ).
In principal bank transfers in EUROs within the EC should now be free of additional deductions. In view of this positive development we will keep reduced prices for those ordering by transfer to our bank account. This new way of cost effective ordering simply requires to follow the international transfer procedures which require to know two new identifiers.
1. IBAN (International Bank Account Nr): DE57 2915 2670 0010 6773 34 and
2. BIC (International Bank Identification Nr.): BRLADE21VER
In any case: It would be helpful to inform us of your transfer by sending an e-mail for information in order to let us monitor the process. Do not forget to mention your CALL on all transactions and your address, i.e. your e-mail address for sending you the license key.
That's all. You will find all price informations on our Services page.