String Notations |
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The major problem in designing a CAT facility which will operate with virtually all brands of recent...and future...transceivers is to adapt to a large variety of different
number representations, command identifiers and structures, string structures, dummy characters, communication parameters, etc..
Another important aspect is to keep the CAT facility as simple as possible from the perspective of the user though flexible enough to allow the experienced user to connect even the oddest rig to TurboLog 4. In order to deal with this problem we have hidden all the bits and pieces from the user by creating dedicated text files which contain all the necessary handshake information which can easily be selected by the user from a menu list of all available transceivers. Underneath the user interface, however, each transceiver has a xxx.CAT file, for example TS940.CAT, FT1KMP.CAT, etc.. These files contain the delicate transformations between the user, the transceiver world, the PC environment and TurboLog 4.
In order to carry out the necessary transformations the following string notations and special characters were defined:
Further notations:
•Data to be transmitted or received has to be set in '.....' •Data attached to a command as a parameter must be separated from the command by '!' in all SET commands, for example in SETMODE, SETFREQ, SETBANDWIDTH, etc.
The following example:
SETFREQ = >'FA!fffffff!'> will set the VFO A of a KENWOOD transceiver to the frequency given as fffffff.
This topic was last edited on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024, at 13:30