Version 3.19, 21-11-2000


You can download a new copy of TL at any time you want and as often as you want whithout needing to ask us.

Every download, however, is by its nature a demo version in the beginning.

If you have subscribed to the update service or buy a new upgrade or update we will give you a licence key. This key is valid for your call exclusively and for the period of time you have been booked for.

Entering a valid key and your call will turn the demo version from that time on into a fully licenced version.

Please further note: If your key would be valid for or including version 3.18 and you would try to install 3.19 on top of it (which is still the way to do it) this would then yield a demo version!

The "one year update service" will mean for the future that you will be allowed to download 2 distinct versions, e.g. if you had 3.18 extend the "update service" you can consequently download versions 3.19 and 3.20.

You only need to download just one selfextracting archive which is named TL3INST.EXE

Please copy this file from the download into a temporary directory first. Start the archive from there. You are prompted for the target disk drive and file name. This of course should be the old version in case you upgrade/update. On start of the new program you will be asked for the key. Entering it would end the procedure. If you did it correctly the program will not ask you any more. An existing demo can of course be changed at any convenient later date into a full version.

Turning a demo into a full version will only require to move into the INFORMATION menu, to select the submenu item to go through the dialogue and to enter the key.

Those not having INTERNET access, please don't panic. There will be the disk service as a backup as long as it is needed. The installation procedure, however, is from now on as above.

There will also be the written documentation ( handbook, Quick Reference card) for new users and for the upgraders from version I and II for the foreseeable future.

We hope you will appreciate this new 24h on the spot service from TURBOLOG COMMUNICATIONS.

Of course the accuracy of the computation strongly depends on the quality and geometry of the input data (garbage in--->garbage out). As a rule of thumb the distance to the target should not exceed the length of the base line by a factor of 5 to 6. Precise bearings are necessary for small localization errors. We would like to refer to the bulk of literature which is available on the task of radio direction finding.

The bearing is to be taken with respect to geographical north in a clockwise direction. If you want to use geographical coordinates you are prompted to note that western longitudes and southern latitudes have to have a negative sign.

The mathematics involved are based on spherical geometry allowing for a worldwide coverage, in principal. In practice, however, things become rather complex at very long ranges. Thus the computation has been restricted to find targets within the area of an arc of 90 degrees off the bearing postes in any direction ( about 10.000 Km ). The code is just slightly optimized for central Europe.

Have fun with this facility, use Packet Radio for what it is ideally suited, help to find where the black sheep really are and contribute to the protection of our bands.


Prefix Letter in AREAS.DAT Canadian Provinces
VO A  
VO3 E  
VO4 F  
VO5 G  

Prefix Letter in AREAS.DAT Canadian Provinces
VY3 K  
VY4 L  
VY5 M  
VY6 N  

As you can see we are ready for more Canadian provinces to be identified.

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