TNC Script File

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The TNC scipt file contains command and parameter strings which necessarily have to be exchanged between the TNC and TurboLog 4 in order to cooperate and work together correctly. This data exchange requires a specific set of notations and command strings.



Notations for the TNC Script File:

The following special characters are defined:


>...> Data enclosed by >...> is sent to the TNC
<...< Data enclosed by <...< is the response expected from the TNC
| This will send a carriage return <CR>
^ This will send the control code (e.g. ^C sends Cntl-C)
[ Send the ESCAPE code (27 Dec, $1B Hex)
~ Sends command delay as specified in TNC Setup.
_ Do nothing (Spacer character)
# This denotes a placeholder for internal data ( see below )
\ This writes the following character directly to the TNC, skips internal interpretation ( see below )
; All following characters are ignored (for comments)



TNC Command Strings:

These strings are transmitted as single commands or as a sequence of commands. The initialisation string for example is a sequence of commands which is executed by TurboLog 4 when a new program session is started or when the TNC is re-initiated. Up to 256 total characters may be defined in one line.


TNC_INITContains all TNC initialization commands
TNC_GETCALLStarts the TNC to send call
TNC_SETCALL Sets licensed call into TNC
TNC_DATEFORMThis specifies the required format for the SETDATE command
TNC_TIMEFORM This specifies the required format for SETTIME command
TNC_SETDATE This starts the TNC to set date...
TNC_SETTIME... and time.  This line is appended to SETDATE
TNC_EOL This defines the End Of Line character
TNC_ENTERCONVCommands TNC into converse mode
TNC_ENTERCMD Sets TNC into command mode
TNC_DISCONNECTThis starts the TNC to disconnect from cluster
TNC_STREAMSWDefines the character which separates multiconnect streams. 0 means no stream switching controled by TNC
TNC_STREAMSELECTThis selects a multiconnect stream in the TNC
PACKET_CLUSTER_LOGINThis is the packet cluster start command
TNC_FLOW_CONTROL This turns on or off XON/XOFF flow control in TURBOLOG
TNC_AUTOSWITCH2CONVYES means that TNC returns to converse mode after each <CRLF> ( keystroke = [ENTER] )
TNC_DUMPBYTESDenotes the number of dummy characters sent by TNC after STREAMSW
TNC_MULTICONNECTYES means: TNC supports multiconnect
INCLUDE Includes another TNC command file for ease of operation. Only specific features for this TNC have to be written separately then.


Special applications for \ and # :


# will normally be used as a placeholder for data, such as date or time. Another application is in Cluster Connect Strings. Cluster response strings can also given as:


Where the # stands for your call ( = MyCall).


Please find more details in Cluster Connect Strings.


\ can be used the following way: Some clusters send prompts like: DJ9KG DE DB0HFT (17:02 UTC)> . In this case and if you want to see all the welcome messages a cluster may send you can specify the expected response to read:


This looks highly cryptical, however, what it does is just to wait for ...)> to be received. The backslash just serves to indicate that > in this case is to be interpreted as a character and not as a message bracket control as explained above.


This topic was last edited on  Thursday, 12-Dec-2024,  at  13:30