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The QSL_accepted is another field which is of little interest to the user while in online operations. It is of interest in DXCC reports, exporting and on the review grid. The field is boolean which means it can contain (Y)ES/(N)O only.


Y means:A QSL was received for this QSO, sent to the DXCC desk for approval and accepted there.


N indicates:There was no QSL accepted for this QSO. The status of this field will normally be controlled under the regime of the review mode.


The Bulk Update from LoTW procedure will automatically set this field to Y.


Like all other fields the QSL_accepted field can be customized on the loginput line. All features described for customizing the loginput lineapply for this field. We strongly recommend, however, that you remove this field from the active loginput line.


This topic was last edited on  Thursday, 12-Dec-2024,  at  13:30