RST_sent |
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This is where you log the RST you gave to your QSO partner. The RST_sent field belongs to the QSO essentials. The RST_sent field thus undergoes a data integrity check before the QSO is logged. This check is based on the picture mask for this field. In view of Aurora operations for which the "T"-character is not numerical [1 ... 9] but typically an "A" to signify the rough Aurora tone we allow to enter both, numbers and capital letters. All other inputs would result in an error message.
Like all other fields the RST_sent field can be arranged on the loginput line in accordance with your personal needs. All features described for customizing the loginput line apply for this field. This includes the commands available.
With respect to the field properties the RST_sent field is equipped with a default stack to choose from. Of course you can add an input stack, if you want. The stacks will pop up directly below the call field on pressing Shift+Cursor+Down or Ctrl+Cursor+Down, respectively. If you want to load the content of a stack into the RST_sent field you just select the line of interest by mouse or by pressing Cursor+Down. A left mouse key double click will enter the stack line into the RST_sent field. Likewise you can press Enter for the same action. Both operations will not only load from the stack but also move the input focus to the field to the right of the RST_sent field. This saves an additional keystroke.
The default stack can be edited from the main menu.
Please note: If a Default Stack exists for a particular input field your entry will be checked against the predefined values for consistency . If you enter a value which does not exist on the list or in a wrong notation an error message will be created. The RST fields are excepted from this rule.
Active COMMANDS: See table in loginput line.
CLICKABLES and HOTSPOTS: Every input field can be clicked: See loginput line.
This topic was last edited on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024, at 13:30