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The base call field stores the basic/full call which was extracted from a compound call sign entered into the call field. Doing this we follow a proven procedure from TurboLog3 with respect to the appearance of  compound calls in review mode.


In a compound call as for example in KH9/W1ABC we extract the regular part of the call sign ( W1ABC) and automatically save it in the base_call field. Doing so ensures that all QSOs with W1ABC will be displayed in review mode, independent of the specific entry in the call field. Thus, if you enter W1ABC you will not only see QSOs with this call but all compounds such as KH9/W1ABC, etc. as well.


The base call is the reference call to a notepad. Thus, if you wanted to create a notepad for a composite call such as KH9/W1ABC it will be created for W1ABC.


Base call is of little interest to the user. It is of internal use only, as in reports, exporting and on the review grid. Entries in this field are generated automatically and do not need any editing.


Like all other fields the unique field can be customized on the loginput line. All features described for customizing the loginput line apply for this field. We strongly recommend, however, that you remove this field from the active log input line and never deal with it.


This topic was last edited on  Thursday, 12-Dec-2024,  at  13:30