Country information frame

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Inputs from the following sources will yield a display of comprehensive country information in this frame:

Any input which has been inserted or keyed into the CALLSIGN Field  of the log input line and which can be identified by TurboLog 4 as a Prefix or a Call .

A highlighted log record from the logbook and log review window.

A highlighted Packet spot if a Call has been extracted and displayed.


The source of the actual country input will be displayed in the caption of the country information frame.





The country information in this frame is updated upon the following actions:

Cursor+Down or [TAB >] from callfield with at least a prefix entered into it.

Click on QSO in Log or Review grid.

Click on a Packet spot in one of the displays showing call information


The time, however, is updated continuously.Most details on display will be read or computed from the internal COUNTRY database. Call area information will be displayed if available for the particular country.


This is what comes to display:

Figure 215:  The Country Information Frame

Figure 215:  The Country Information Frame


The computed DISTANCE always denotes the short path distance to the center coordinates of a particular country unless a precise target locator was entered into the locator field of the log input line. The computation is based on the standard earth ellipsoid model.


If HIS SUNRISE and/or HIS SUNSET show: --:-- there is no such event. This happens in the polar regions.


If SUNRISE and SUNSET fields are displayed on yellow background there is daytime at the particular location.


Most countries belong to just one ITU- or CQ-Zone. A few countries, however, cover up to 12 zones ( e.g.: UA0 ). In order to save valuable display area on the screen we optimized the graphical arrangement for the "normal" countries. Multiple zone displays are cut off at the end of their field length. On mouse over, however, there will be a complete display in a hint popup.


Please note:

The Bearing field is a hot spot and focus of the automatic and manual Antenna Rotor Control facility.


Further information is provides at:


Loginput line

Antenna Rotor Control








HOTSPOTS:ITU and CQ display fields ( on mouse over )
Bearing field:   ( Left click: Turn rotor; Right click: Antenna Rotor Control menu )


This topic was last edited on  Thursday, 12-Dec-2024,  at  13:30