Realtime Upload to ClubLog |
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The ClubLog organization ( ) directed by Michael/G7VJR is the leading edge of web based logging technology. Just recently Clublog has introduced a fancy real time logging facility for its club members which allows to upload every completed local QSO directly into the member's ClubLog account. QSO entries are visualized on a private user web page for inspection. Thus, your QSO-partner can immediately check whether the contact has been logged. This is of greatest importance for stations on DX-peditions, IOTA-chasers, Contesters of all kinds, etc. and ... last but not least ... it provides an excellent backup for portable operations when there is always the danger of a PC crash.
Getting started:
In order to benefit from this service you will have to perform the following steps:
•Register to ClubLog and create a log account ... if you had not done it by now. Access to the account is password secured. •You can immediately start uploading (batches of) QSOs by exporting your local logbook in ADIF format. •Explore the ClubLog website and familiarize yourself with listings, log search, OQRS, charts, etc.. •Then move into ClubLog's SETTINGS menu and explore the upcoming information. It is important to read the referenced document which should enable you to create your call-specific dashboard view of your log. An example is shown below:
•You will now be able to monitor your uploaded log data on the dashboard screen. However, real time logging requires the following important additinal step: You need to generate an Application Password yourself. Please proceed in Clublog to Settings > App Passwords, provide the requested details and keep your individual password high and dry for an entry in TurboLog 4's setup. •With all information at hand you will now make the entries in the dedicated tab sheet for ClubLog Support in the Setup. •This completes the preparation procedures.
Operational Results:
With the real time logging enabled and the Enter key pressed TurboLog 4 sends every completed QSO directly to ClubLog, independet from Logging Mode and Mode of operation whether it is CW,SSB, FT8, or whatever.
For example: The results of 2 recent QSOs logged in real time are shown in the screen shot below:
The green dots mark the locations of very recently worked stations. The violet circle indicates the QTH location according to the data you provided for your account. The Band/Mode matrix indicates by the green buttons that they were worked on 12 and 17m. With time progressing the buttons turn into reddish colors. The daylight border line is shown which is another important hint. There is much more valuable information to be gained from the web site. We suggest to read the documentation which can be opened from a link in the right edge of the display.
It is desirable to get feedback of successfully performed real time transmissions. Thus, we provide an appropriate message in the rightmost panel of TurboLog 4's Status Bar. A sample is depicted in the figure below:
![]() Figure 200: Successful Upload indicated on the Status Bar
Real time logging to a web site which can be inspected by your QSO partners at any time really is the salt of the earth in logging. Besides all fun and useful information it also provides an excellent option as a backup device in addition to your local means. Thus, whenever there is Internet access real time logging to Clublog is an excellent idea.
This topic was last edited on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024, at 13:30