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This is where you log the time at which you started this QSO. The start time field belongs to the QSO essentials. The start time field thus undergoes a data integrity check before the QSO is logged.


Normally there is nothing to enter or edit in this field since its content is automatically generated by the internal WINDOWS system routines corrected by the time offset between your local time and UTC which is the anticipated logging time. If your PC-system was setup correctly for your time zone you need not to worry about the time change between summer/daylight saving- and wintertime.


Like all other fields the start time field can be arranged on the loginput line in accordance with your personal needs.   All features described for customizing the loginput line apply for this field. This includes the commands available.


The QSO's start time will be entered on pressing Ctrl+Enter. If no start time has been entered start and end time will be set to equal at pressing Enter for logging the QSO. If the QSO was started but happens to be disrupted and you do not want to log this incomplete QSO just press Ctrl+R to reset the whole loginput line......including the START field.


With respect to the field properties the start time field can be equipped with a stack to choose from. There is no stack by default. If activated, however, the stack will pop up directly below the call field on pressing Shift+Cursor+Down. If you want to load the content of a predefined input into the start time field you just select the line of interest by mouse or by pressing Cursor+Down. A left mouse key double click will enter the stack line into the start time field. Likewise you can press Enter for the same action. Both operations will not only load from the stack but also move the input focus to the field to the right of the band field. This saves an additional keystroke.


Please note:

If you have checked Set START on Exit Callfield in the log's Configuration menu, sub item General/Logging Defaults the start time will be set automatically on pressing Cursor+Down from the call field. This saves another keystroke.



See table in loginput line.

Ctrl+Enter        Enter start time into start field



Every input field can be clicked: See loginput line.


This topic was last edited on  Thursday, 12-Dec-2024,  at  13:30