USERKEY and Keyword Facility

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This field plays a very important role in data retrieval and continues to serve for the well proven purposes established in TL III.  This facility has been greatly extended in TurboLog 4 now. There are 64 characters available to tag a QSO for unlimited purposes such as awards, club members, districts, zones, states, islands (IOTA), lighthouses, US counties, etc, just to mention a few applications. There is virtually no limit on the number of userkeys used. You can enter as many userkeys (tags) into the userkey field as there is space available.


If you enter more than one userkey into the field your entries have to be separated by a comma.

Even Multiple Keywords, distinct but of the same kind which are often used in RDA operations are

permitted in just one Userkey Field, e.g.:   O-AD-02,O-AD-03,O-AD-04,


Please note:

The paragraph on Keyword Listings below outlines Keyword Operations in greater details.



Besides important assistance in reports and other data retrieval tasks there still is the very fast userkey search by a hot key. You can start the search from any text field into which you have entered a userkey to search for. Pressing Ctrl+I will pop up a dialogue box in which you need to click the Accept button in order to start the search. Likewise you can alter the search key or abort the search. As a result of the search all QSOs tagged with the userkey entry under test will be displayed. The filtering facilities will allow you to search for any combinations of userkeys among each other or combined with other fields.


Userkeys need to be contained in a special definition file. This file must be a plain ASCII file. Make sure the file contains only characters belonging to the ANSI character set. In order to create a keyword file of your own you can either modify one of the existing examples in ...\TL4DATA with the mandatory file extension of UID or follow the generic outline as below:


First line of text may be any comment:;comment...........comment

The line has to be started by a ; though.

There is no comment allowed in between or

at the end of the file.

First line of data:[1st_keyword] blank [1st_keyword_description]     ( no leading blanks allowed)
Second line of data:[2nd_keyword] blank [2nd_keyword_description]
Last line of data:[Last_keyword] blank [Last_keyword_description]

The last line of data closes the file and must not be followed by anything else.


Although you can create userkey definition files to your personal liking we strongly recommend to make use of the following definitions:






IOTA references: CC=continent: AS,AF,AN,EU,OC,NA,SA;  nnn=island reference number;

Assigned Keyword file: IOTA.UID


WAB: II=grid letters, nn=grid numbers


WAS: II=state letters (e.g.: NY);

Assigned Keyword file: States.UID


US counties: C=counties, II=state digraphs  (e.g.: NY, TX, ...), nnn=countynumber in alphabetical order;

Assigned Keyword file: Counties.UID


UK counties; xy denoting county digraph  (thanks: Eugene/G4AIU)

Assigned Keyword file: UK_Counties.UID


Canadian provinces; xy denoting province digraph (thanks: Tom/G0PSE); Assigned Keyword file: PROVINCES.UID


WAZ: nn= CQ-zone number; Assigned Keyword file: ZONES.UID


nn = ITU-zone number; Assigned Keyword file: ITU-ZONES.UID


nnnnn = TenTen-number


Oblasts: ll-nn =Oblast number for Russian District Award = RDA; Assigned Keyword file: RDA.UID


RAFARS: nnnn=membership number


RNARS: nnnn=membership number; Assigned Keyword file: RNNUMB.UID


G QRP: nnnn=membership number


FOC: nnnn=membership number; Assigned Keyword file: FOC_Keyword.UID  

D-Lnn, D-uvwxyz

DOK: German "Distrikt & Ortsverbands-Kenner", incl. special DOKs; Assigned Keyword file: DOK.UID  


DIG:  nnnn=membership number; Assigned Keyword file: DIG.UID    


Lighthouses worldwide: nnn=number description and location; Assigned Keyword file: Lighthouse.UID


Ukrainian Regions DX-Award, URDA;  ll-nn=region; Assigned Keyword file: URDA.UID


SOTA references worldwide:

PR=Main prefix of country; AR=Area designator; xyz=Reference number;

Assigned Keyword file: SOTA.UID (still incomplete; tbd)

Table 13: Default Keywords


Just for better rendering the content of the table in the Online Help:



IOTA references: CC=continent:AS,AF,AN,EU,OC,NA,SA; nnn=island reference number; Assigned Keyword file: IOTA.UID


WAB: II=grid letters, nn=grid numbers


WAS: II=state letters (e.g.: NY); Assigned Keyword file: States.UID


US counties: C=counties, II=state digraphs  (e.g.: NY, TX, ...), nnn=countynumber in alphabetical order; Assigned Keyword file: Counties.UID


UK counties; xy denoting the county digraph; (thanks: Eugene/G4AIU for editing   keyword file); Assigned Keyword file: UK_Counties.UID


Canadian provinces; xy denoting the province digraph; (thanks: Tom/G0PSE for editing keyword file); Assigned Keyword file: PROVINCES.UID


WAZ: nn= CQ-zone number; Assigned Keyword file: ZONES.UID


nn = ITU-zone number;  Assigned Keyword file: ITU-ZONES.UID


nnnnn = TenTen-number


Oblasts: ll-nn =Oblast number for Russian District Award RDA;  Assigned Keyword file: RDA.UID


RAFARS: nnnn=membership number


RNARS: nnnn=membership number; Assigned Keyword file: RNNUMB.UID  


G QRP: nnnn=membership number


FOC: nnnn=membership number; Assigned Keyword file: FOC_Keyword.UID  

D-lnn, and D-uvwxyz

DOK: German "Distrikt & Ortsverbands-Kenner", incl. special DOKs; Assigned Keyword file: DOK.UID  


DIG:  nnnn=membership number; Assigned Keyword file: DIG.UID  


Lighthouses worldwide: nnn=number, description and location;  Assigned Keyword file: Lighthouse.UID


Ukrainian Regions DX Award; ll-nn=Region number; Assigned Keyword file: URDA.UID


SOTA references worldwide: PR=Main prefix of country; AR=Area designator; xyz=Reference number; Assigned Keyword file: SOTA.UID ( still incomplete,  tbd)

etc. ...

etc. ...

Table 14: Default Keywords


In any case and whatever userkey system you create all definitions must be unique in the sense that no design scheme is allowed which generates identical strings originating from different userkey groups.

If you followed the definitions as above in TL III the import will be straight forward. This applies for the import from TL III as well as from ADIF.


TurboLog Communications maintains special keyword files which serve for reporting on userkey achievements, e.g. IOTA, WAZ, WAS, US counties, DOKs, etc. Typically your tagged QSOs will be displayed or printed against a table of all existing keywords belonging to one group, e.g. IOTA. Sticking to this example the table currently has about 1200 lines ( = active IOTA references ). However, the lighthouses file contains more than 15.000 entries worldwide: A lifetime challenge to work those... .


Please note: 

TurboLog 4 comes with a standard set of keyword files. All keyword files are to be stored in the ...\TL4DATA subdirectory.


Despite the userkey's importance in reporting and data retrieval tasks the keyword field does not belong to the QSO essentials. In view of these benefits, however,  we strongly recommend to maintain this field on the active part of the log input line.


Please note: 

There is no checking for data integrity with respect to this field while the QSO is logged.


Like all other fields the userkey field can be customized on the loginput line. All features described for customizing the loginput line apply for this field.



See table in loginput line.



Every input field can be clicked: See loginput line.


This topic was last edited on  Thursday, 12-Dec-2024,  at  13:30